Ghostly International
C418 - Minecraft Volume Alpha LP (green vinyl)
Minecraft - Volume Alpha is the work of German composer and musician Daniel Rosenfeld. Using C418 as his moniker, Rosenfeld crafted the sweeping soundtrack and vibrant sound design which helped breathe life into Minecraft's voxel-based universe. Fans and
Bollinger, Kate - Look at it in the Light LP (color vinyl)
Kate Bollinger's songs tend to linger well beyond their run times, filling the negative space of ordinary days with charming melodies and smart phrasings. She writes them. letting her subconscious lead, an open-ended process she likens to dreaming.
Com Truise - in decay, too 2LP (black vinyl)
In decay, too is a collection of tracks that were only available on Com Truise's mixtape series Komputer Kasts and his SoundCloud. These early tracks showcase the artist exploring an electropop funk sound that would later define the Com Truise project.